Saturday, August 30, 2008

8/30: "So my friends were all just sitting around and picking their butts, and I was like, 'I'm going to go upstairs and do some math...problems.'"

-I found the ideal glasses for pretty cheap, and will have them ready in a few breif days. They look like this, or rather, hopefully I will look like this in them.

-Clark and I had the best hanging out in the world. I made some sick tomato sauce, and then we went on a walk and ended up sitting in the weird circular part of a steel traffic barricade which had just enough room for two. We picked blackberries by the slue right before it got dark, and he a) climbed over the brambles to get the juiciest berries for me, and b) pulled me up when I slipped and fell down the creek. Then we went back to my house and he played metal licks for me on my guitar and talked about Wittgenstien. Though we hadn't hung out in a year, and we were never that close of friends in high school, I couldn't have asked for a better last night in Eugene if I tried. I accidentally kicked over a drum when he hugged me goodbye, but I didn't care in the least. And I would totally have tried to kiss him if I were sticking around.


Tyler Twombly said...

This is a great idea for a blog. I hope you keep it up.

It is so positive by nature. really cool.

Russell said...

I actually stole it from this rad zine called shortandqueer #3. by Kelly Shortandqueer. You should check it out, or borrow it from me!